
    “Greetings, friends,” says Inverna in a cautious tone as she looks over her companions. “My name is Inverna Nightbreeze. I am a warrior of the moon elves, though I have not lived among my people for many years.” She touches the scar on her cheek briefly. “I have seen much of this world and the evil that plagues it. Orcs and their kind threaten civilized folk everywhere, and I aim to stop them.” Her piecing blue eyes study each of her new companions in turn.

    The human man steps forward with an elaborate bow. “Well met, Inverna,” he says smoothly. “I am Galandro Luna, a cunning rogue of somewhat dubious background.” He winks and gives a roguish grin. “But I assure you my skills will be quite useful, as will my silver tongue on occasion. My weapons are my wit and my fiddle, but I can handle a blade if need be.”

    Next comes the bubbly halfling girl, practically bouncing on her toes. “Nice to meetcha Inverna! I’m Nib Addlespur, clerical apprentice extraordinaire!” She puffs out her chest proudly, then giggles. “Well, maybe not extraordinaire yet, but I’ll get there! I can patch up a wound or two, and Lil here helps keep me out of trouble.” She indicates the goldfinch perched happily on her shoulder.

    Finally, the human girl in the unicorn mask steps forward, speaking in a soft, musical voice. “Greetings, I am Donnabella Fiasco. I have some small skill in the arcane arts, though I have much yet to learn. With magic and cleverness we may overcome any obstacle, but should darker arts threaten, my spells shall answer.” She sweeps her hands dramatically, as if casting a spell.

    Inverna looks over her motley assemblage of companions and nods slowly. “Very well then. I know not what awaits us, but fortune often favors the bold. Let us venture forth together and face whatever perils come as a team.” She places her hand forward palm down. One by one the others join hands with hers in fellowship. And so their quest begins…