Svalich Woods

    The pale light of dawn filtered through the misty woods as the companions set out on the winding road to Barovia. The journey would take nearly five hours on foot through the gnarled trees and murky landscape.

    The infamous Svalich Woods lived up to their sinister reputation. Hulking trees lined the road, their twisted branches scraping and clawing overhead like skeletal fingers. Pools of dark, still water gathered along the muddy path, reflecting the gray sky like mirrors of obsidian.

    An ominous silence hung in the air, broken only by the occasional crow’s caw echoing among the trees. The further they traveled into the woods, the thicker the mist grew, blanketing the forest floor and rising to obscure their view ahead.

    The group remained wary, hands resting on sword hilts as they scanned the woods for any sign of movement. Strange tales were told of those who wandered off the Svalich road, never to emerge again from the accursed forest’s depths.

    The adventurers travel warily along the gloomy forest road. Inverna and Galandro keep a close eye on the shadowy woods, hands resting on their weapons. Nib huddles close to Donnabella, clutching Lil for comfort.

    After some time, Inverna halts, raising a hand. “Quiet. Do you hear that?”  

    Faint ghostly whispers seem to emanate from the mist shrouded trees. Strange shapes flit through the branches overhead. The party cautiously scans their surroundings, but the source of the noises remains unseen.

    Galandro nocks an arrow, eyes narrowed. “We are not alone in these woods…”

    Nib trembles, eyes wide. “Spooky! What do you think it could be?”

    Donnabella peers into the woods eagerly. “Perhaps just restless spirits of the forest? Let us not assume it means harm.”

    Inverna frowns, unconvinced. Her grip tightens on her sword hilt as the whispers continue. “Stay alert…and be ready to defend yourselves.”

    The group proceeds warily, keeping their guard up. The whispers and shadows seem to follow just out of sight, an unseen presence keeping pace with their journey through the woods.