Approaching the Village

    As you push through the last snarl of bare branches, the forest opens up into a dreary landscape of faded grasses and mist-shrouded hills. To the west, perhaps a mile off, you can make out the village of Barovia – a cluster of glum buildings huddled around a central church spire, wreathed in a pall of gray fog that hangs low over the valley. Dilapidated fences surround sad, overgrown fields, and beyond them a few wisps of chimney smoke twist up into the oppressive leaden sky.

    Far to the south, the murky waters of the River Ivlis meander slowly through the valley floor, disappearing into the gloom. The landscape surrounding you is bleak and cheerless, with no sounds of life aside from the soft lap of water and the occasional caw of a raven winging through the mist. A worn dirt road winds its way towards the village ahead, lined by twisted trees that creak softly as an occasional chill breeze sighs through their skeletal branches. There is a stillness here that unnerves the soul, a feeling of lifelessness and decay that permeates the very air. This is a sad, grey land that feels trapped in perpetual autumn, its vibrant spirit long faded under mournful clouds and perpetual fog.

    The adventurers survey the landscape with unease. Inverna rests a hand on her sword hilt as she gazes toward the village.

    “This cursed valley reeks of death and decay. Keep your guard up, my friends. Dark things dwell here.”

    Galandro shivers beneath his cloak, eyes darting about warily. “Aye, no birdsong nor cheer to be found. The people have suffered long in this gloom.”

    Nib hugs Lil closely, eyes wide. “S-so scary! But w-we have to help!” The goldfinch cheeps in agreement, ruffling her feathers nervously.

    Donnabella steels herself with a look of determination. “Yes, we cannot lose hope! Together we will be the light that banishes these shadows.”

    Inverna nods. “Well said. Come, our path lies ahead.” She gestures toward the village. “If this land is to be redeemed, it starts there. We few may be its only chance.”

    With that resolute decree, the adventurers make their way toward Barovia along the worn dirt road. Fog swirls about their feet as they march forth, but their hearts burn bright with courage. This land will know hope again.