Den of Wolves

    Entering this oak-paneled chamber, the trappings of a hunter surround you. Above the fireplace looms the mounted head of a stag, its glassy eyes staring. Along the walls stand stuffed wolves, their fanged snarls frozen in time.

    Before the hearth sit two padded chairs draped in furs, evoking images of nobles lounging here, smoking pipes and sipping wine. A cloth-covered table surrounded by four chairs occupies the room’s center, perhaps once a site of mirth and games.

    Checking the cabinets, you find one locked tight. The other contains mundane items like playing cards and glasses. For all its noble airs, this room hints at a darker thrill – the controlled savagery of the hunt and the empty eyes of prey turned trophies.

    Inverna glances about the trophies with distaste. “Charming decor…” She turns to Galandro. “Check for hidden latches or compartments, starting with that locked cabinet.”

    The rogue nods and sets to work inspecting the cabinet closely, tools in hand. Meanwhile Donnabella and Nib continue searching the remaining furnishings for clues.

    After some time, Galandro makes a sound of frustration. “No luck yet. Whatever secrets this room holds, it guards them well.”

    Inverna grimaces. “Then we continue onward. The answers must lie above or within the other chambers.” She strides back toward the main hall.

    “Stay vigilant, my friends. Our quest has only begun.”

    With that, the party proceeds to search the dining room next, leaving no pedestal or silverware unturned in their efforts to solve this mansion’s mysteries. Room by room, they shed light on the shadowy depths, seeking the hidden evil below.