Dining Room

    The elegant dining room is paneled in rich wood, with a polished table surrounded by ornately carved chairs. Above it hangs a glittering chandelier, casting light over settings of shining silver and crystal.

    On the far wall is a painting of serene mountain vistas, yet closer inspection of the carved walls reveals twisted faces on the trees and wolves hiding in the foliage. More secrets come to light in this house of deception.

    Thick red drapes shroud the windows, muffling any sound or light from outside. A tapestry depicts aristocrats hunting prey – perhaps a clue to the darkness that once stalked these halls.

    Inverna frowns as their search again proves fruitless. This house guards its secrets closely.

    “We’ve lingered on this floor long enough,” she declares. “The cellar’s secret entrance must lie above us now.”

    She strides back to the foyer, eyeing the spiral staircase warily. “Tread lightly, my friends. The shadows gather thicker upstairs.”

    Drawing their weapons, the heroes ascend cautiously, senses primed for any sign of movement. Dusty portraits line the walls, their subjects gazing down sternly as if to ward off intruders.

    At the top, a long hallway stretches before them, dotted with ominous doors shrouded in cobwebs. Behind one, perhaps, lies the entrance they seek.

    Inverna grips her blade tightly. “Be prepared for what awaits within,” she murmurs to the others.

    With solemn nods, they begin their search, steeling themselves for whatever evil yet lurks in this cursed house. The secrets of the dead call out, beckoning to be unearthed.