
    The kitchen is orderly and tidy, with cookware neatly stored. A cutting board sits atop the worktable, ready for use. In the corner stands a large stone oven and stovepipe. The air still carries a hint of woodsmoke.

    Checking the pantry, you find the shelves oddly well-stocked with fresh food, though it all tastes flavorless and bland. Your search continues along the walls, wary of secrets.

    By the southwest corner you notice a small door, beyond which lies a tight stone shaft – a dumbwaiter system for delivering food upstairs. A tiny bell and pulley mechanism hang beside it. This must have served the servants well in better days.

    You ponder the shaft, considering whether it connects to cellars below. But no latch or handle indicates a way down. This house stubbornly guards the entrance you seek.

    Looking around, you see no steps leading below, no storm doors or hatches. Perhaps you must adjust your approach to uncover the house’s hidden depths. For now, its secrets stay veiled, beckoning you to persist in bringing them to light.

    Having found no clear way to the cellars in the kitchen, Inverna gestures to the others. “We’ve lingered here long enough. The answers must lie elsewhere.”

    Donnabella nods. “Yes, perhaps the drawing room or upstairs may reveal a path below.”

    Galandro moves back toward the main hall. “Aye, we best continue searching top to bottom.”

    Nib scurries after the others anxiously. “S-so many scary rooms! But we have to be braveā€¦”

    They proceed to investigate the drawing room next, ready to unleash spells or skills to detect any hidden switches or entrances. Their persistence is unwavering – this house hides its secrets well, but the heroes will uncover them.